Welcome to our natural environment!

Welcome to our natural environment!
At the heart of TERACT ‘s development and investment philosophy is sustainable, alternative and responsible consumption, with a core principle: answer our customers’ expectations and help them make meaningful purchases.
Our employees and future team members are the best ambassadors to usher this transformation and guide our clients to ensure they have access to the benefits of nature.
Our commitments – to cultivate and grow better, produce better, eat better, sell better, buy better, garden better, live better with our pets – are also our brands’ commitments…
and maybe yours as well, soon, when you join TERACT .

Discover TERACT
Leader in responsible and
sustainable distribution
Our promise

Grow with you

At TERACT, we are committed to grow your skill set based on what deeply drives you – your personality, your values, your passions – in order to unleash your “profound nature.”
And we concretely give you all the means to do that.
With us, you are able to:
Align your work and your passions through training programs tailored to your needs and the possibility to grow via diverse career paths.
Have grand aspirations for nature and the environment, believe in and open up possibilities by joining this transformative, ambitious and innovative enterprise project.
Push boundaries by becoming an integral part of our innovative approach and significantly contributing to this project and its meaningful impact.
At TERACT, our teams are
united by a strong passion, which
is passed on to our customers.
Séverine DELEBARRE, Human Resources Director TERACT
Séverine DELEBARRE, Human Resources Director TERACT
A network of commited retailers

Access available positions
in stores and at headquarters